Jesus of Nazareth was fully human and fully divine. Like most human beings, He divided His world into people He could tolerate and those He could not.

Jesus of Nazareth was fully human and fully divine. Like most human beings, He divided His world into people He could tolerate and those He could not.
Msgr. Joseph Calise MICHAEL YORK gave one of his most brilliant performances as John the Baptist in Franco Zeffirelli’s film, “Jesus of Nazareth.” He showed the strength, determination and power of the prophet who prepared the way for Christ’s coming. In the few times we actually hear of him in Scripture, John leaps in his […]
VATICAN CITY (CNS) – The third volume of Pope Benedict XVI’s book on Jesus of Nazareth should be published before Christmas, the Vatican said. The volume, focusing on the Gospel accounts of Jesus’ infancy and childhood, will be the third and final volume in the series of books the pope has written “to make known […]
Pope Benedict XVI has finished the third volume of his opus, “Jesus of Nazareth,” and perhaps also will publish an encyclical letter during the upcoming Year of Faith, said Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, Vatican secretary of state. “It is a great gift for the Year of Faith,” the cardinal told reporters in Les Combes di Introd, […]
Jesus of Nazareth Diocesan Retreat Center will be the name of the new diocesan retreat center, set to open in the former Xaverian Brothers’ residence at Nazareth Regional H.S., Flatbush, this September. Auxiliary Bishop Frank J. Caggiano made the announcement to members of the Spanish-speaking Cursillo Movement during a Mass celebrating the feast of St. […]