US Bishops May Send Delegation to Mexico Border

Cardinal Daniel DiNardo, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, announced the conference will explore the idea of sending a bishops’ delegation to the U.S.-Mexico border to inspect detention facilities and offer a sign of solidarity with migrants and refugees.

Bishop Seitz: Dreamers Have ‘Renewed Everyone’s Faith in the American Dream’

On the very day that President Donald Trump’s deadline for Congress to act on DACA was set to expire, Bishop Mark Seitz of El Paso, Texas, told congressional leaders that Dreamers had “renewed everyone’s faith in the American dream” and it was time for lawmakers to find a permanent solution to protect them.

Discussion, Dissent Debate Nation’s Immigration Policy

The problem with a weekly newspaper is that interesting stories can break as the paper is going to press and there is no time to get it into that week’s paper. In this new age of cyberspace, however, we can post those stories on our web and Facebook pages to keep our readers up-to-date.

Fighting for an End to the Detention of Migrant and Refugee Children

Less than three months after the Trump administration announced it would no longer participate in the development of a Global Compact on Migration, the Holy See and Catholic migration groups are urging for an end to the detention of migrant and refugee children as delegates meet at the United Nations to continue to negotiate the agreement.

Bishops Oppose Removal of Protection from Salvardorans

The U.S. bishops have termed the Trump administration’s decision not to renew the Temporary Protected Status (TPS) designation to El Salvador as “heartbreaking” and pledged to stand with Salvadoran TPS recipients as they risk being separated from their families and homes in the United States.

Paul Ryan Praises Catholic Charitable Work, Silent On Immigration at Al Smith Dinner

At a time when the Catholic Church’s relationship with the Trump administration is marked by particular tension over the decision to end the DACA program, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan headlined the 72nd annual Al Smith dinner on Thursday night in Manhattan. The dinner is one of the most prominent fundraising events held by the Catholic Church in the United States.

Cardinal Dolan Says U.S. Bishops United On Immigration and Will Defend DACA

Just hours after Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced the Trump administration would move to end DACA program which protects qualified immigrants from deportation, Cardinal Timothy Dolan of New York joined forces with a diverse coalition of New York City leaders and activists with a simple message: We will protect you.

Texas Bishops Disappointed AG Seeks to End Immigration Policy

After a Texas attorney general gave the Trump administration an ultimatum to end a policy protecting young migrants or face a lawsuit in September, the Catholic bishops of Texas expressed disappointment in a letter to the state official and blamed Congress for the uncertain future the migrants are facing.