Fr. Robert Lauder

Job, Shakespeare and Romero

10th in a series. THROUGHOUT HIS BOOK, “The Human Poetry of Faith: A Spiritual Guide to Life (New York: Paulist Press, 2001, pp. 142, $12.95) Father Michael Paul Gallagher, S.J., has placed marvelous quotations from well-known authors.

The Drama of Conversion

Ninth in a series EVERY FALL SEMESTER for the last 20 years I have taught a course on the Catholic novel at St. John’s University. The course’s title is “Philosophy and Literature,” but I have given it the subtitle: “Meaning, Mystery and Metaphysics in the Catholic Novel.” One reason that I created the course was that in […]

Fr. Robert Lauder

A Dialogue Between Therese and Nietzsche

In “The Human Poetry of Faith: A Spiritual Guide to Life,” Father Michael Paul Gallagher tries to broaden imaginations so that people might be more receptive to the Good News of Jesus.

Fr. Robert Lauder

Facing and Sharing Our Wounds

FATHER MICHAEL Paul Gallagher, S.J., gives the third chapter of his book “The Human Poetry of Faith: A Spiritual Guide to Life” (New York: Paulist Press, 2001, pp. 142), a title that I found provocative. He calls it “Struggles and Shadows.” In reading the title, I had the feeling that the chapter might have a special message for me. It did. At the beginning of the chapter, Father Gallagher writes the following:

Fr. Robert Lauder

Easter and Friendship

Though, at times, I may take friendships for granted, even the briefest reflection on them reminds me what great treasures friends are.

Fr. Robert Lauder

Friendships Can Illuminate Faith

Father Michael Paul Gallagher, S.J., suggests that if people are going to appreciate the “surprise of Christ,” then they have to take time to think about what is deep in their own lives.

Fr. Robert Lauder

Cultural Catechumens

Father Gallagher believes, as do many contemporary Catholic theologians, that we often need to get in touch with ourselves before we can be ready to accept the Good News of Christ.

Fr. Robert Lauder

Liberation of the Holy Spirit

This is the second column in a series EARLY ON IN HIS “The Human Poetry of Faith: A Spiritual Guide to Life” (New York: Paulist, pp. 142, $12.95), Father Michael Paul Gallagher, S.J., points out that his book is about liberating our human depths so that we might be open to God’s wonderful revelation. He writes […]

Fr. Robert Lauder

Preambles to Faith

Lenten season I decide to read a book that I think will help me observe the season better. This year, I picked a beauty. It is Jesuit Father Michael Gallagher’s “The Human Poetry of Faith: A Spiritual Guide to Life” (New York, Paulist Press, 2003, pp. 142, $12.95). Father Gallagher deals with problems that have been on my mind for years.