Dr. Steven Garner

Alternative Remedies For Arthritis Pain

I have terrible arthritis pain. I have tried medications and they just don’t seem to work. What else can I do? Can you please help me? Aching in Astoria

Dr. Steven Garner

Heart Attacks Affect Women Differently

I am 70 years old and last week, I got the shock of my life. While walking to the grocery store, I started getting pain in my left arm and I felt nauseous. Someone on the street saw me and called an ambulance. At the hospital, I was diagnosed with a heart attack.

Dr. Steven Garner

Being Left-Handed Is All Right

Dear Dr. Garner, I am concerned about my son. He is 6 years old and we found out recently that he is left-handed. Will this hinder him throughout life? I read an article that he will live nine to 10 years fewer than an average right-hander. Is it appropriate to switch his left-handedness to right-handedness? […]

Dr. Steven Garner

Dress Properly In Cold Weather

Dear Dr. Garner, Happy New Year! Thanks for all you do with your column and the TV show. My mother used to tell me not to go out with a wet head because I would get a cold. I now have children of my own and I find I’m saying the same to them. So […]