Consecrated Life and World Day for the Sick

by Sister Constance Carolyn Veit, lsp, Each February, the Church celebrates two events of special significance to Little Sisters of the Poor. On Feb. 2, the Church celebrates the World Day of Consecrated Life, a day important to all men and women religious. On Feb. 11, the World Day of the Sick is observed. Each […]

Nun Who ‘Allowed’ Abortion No Longer Excommunicated

PHOENIX (CNS) – A Mercy sister who was automatically excommunicated because of her role on the ethics committee that allowed an abortion to be performed at a Catholic hospital in Phoenix in 2009 is back in good standing in the Catholic Church. In May, 2010, officials at St. Joseph’s Hospital and Medical Center publicly acknowledged […]

British Bishops Welcome Ruling on Profiting from Embryo Destruction

by Simon Caldwell LONDON (CNS) – A leading Catholic bioethical institute has welcomed the decision of a European court to ban the patenting of any medical treatment derived from destructive experiments on human embryos. The Oxford-based Anscombe Bioethics Centre praised the decision by the European Court of Justice as a “triumph of ethical standards over […]

Religious Freedom

The Constitution of the United States and, in particular, the First Amendment, recognize fundamental human rights, among which is the freedom of every person to the exercise of religion freely, that is, without restraint or constraint by government. Like other rights, the exercise of religion is not free without the right of free association, also […]

Chaolain Photo

Role of VA Chaplains Is Varied and Changing

by Beth Griffin Catholics who minister to the nation’s military veterans help aging soldiers heal from past wars and support men and women trying to resume civilian life after multiple tours of duty in distant outposts. They work alongside chaplains of many faiths, in multidisciplinary teams that treat the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wounds […]