by Antonina Zielinska Demonstrators from downstate New York gathered on the steps of the Federal Hall National Memorial in Lower Manhattan to protest the Affordable Health Care Act. They demonstrated, at the site where the first U.S. Congress met to adopt the Bill of Rights over 200 years ago, to protest a mandate which they […]
health care
Threat to Seniors
Aging is a process that affects everyone. For some, it can be gradual; for others, painful. But either way, it’s inevitable. However, the process may look bleak for local seniors receiving in-home aid from Brooklyn-Queens Catholic Charities. The organization is calling for the full restoration of $6.6 million in N.Y.C. funding toward services for the […]
Most Cherished Liberty
In summoning “all the energies the Catholic community can muster” in defense of our religious liberty, the American bishops are demonstrating a keen awareness of what good fatherhood demands and that they are up to the charge. Their latest statement on point – “Our First, Most Cherished Liberty” – issued by the USCCB Ad Hoc […]
Food Police
If your Lenten resolutions include bringing food to the homeless, do not take it to any government-run facility in town. You will be turned away. Recently the Bloomberg administration put the kibosh on purveyors of politically incorrect foods; and that would include your mom’s home-cooking, corned beef and cabbage from your parish St. Patrick’s dance […]
Religion’s Role in Society
My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, In recent months we have heard more about the so-called separation of church and state. Nowhere in the Constitution does this exist. It originates from Jefferson’s response to some ministers that there should be a wall of separation between church and state. One of our first presidents […]
HHS Mandate and Religious Freedom
by Father Tadeusz Pacholczyk On Jan. 20, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) issued a mandate placing First Amendment rights and religious freedom in the crosshairs. The mandate, as a provision of ObamaCare, requires “preventive health services” to be covered by all health insurance issuers and all group health plans. Those insurance […]
Medical and Artwork Tattoos
Dear Dr. Garner, I heard you talking about tattoos on TV last week. I believe you said that tattoos could be good if they carried medical information, like allergies to pills. The discussion awakened old wounds as my son got a tattoo on his arm two years ago against my wishes. I think that […]
It’s About Religion, Not Contraception
by Stephen Kent Spending a week with our two-year-old granddaughter reintroduced me to the experience of the insincere “whoops” or the impenitent “sorry.” Neither represents penance nor a firm purpose of amendment. There was a similar feeling to hear President Barack Obama offer his “revision,” “compromise” or “walking some parts back” to the mandate […]
No Compromise on Conscience
My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, The recent uproar over the ill-advised United States Department of Health and Human Service’s (HHS) regulations implementing the new health care mandate is not over yet. The protections of conscience in the provisions of this “health care” law need to be strengthened. The new regulations, in effect, […]
State Redefines Church
Among the great contributions of the Catholic people to America is a legacy of strong educational, healthcare and social support institutions. Precisely because of its catholic or universal nature, the Church always serves a community larger than those who find themselves in full agreement with all of its teachings. This is a constitutive part of […]