There is a brief section in Learning to Pray by Father James Martin, S.J, dealing with centering prayer. Because I have been doing centering prayer every day for more than 20 years I thought I would be very familiar with whatever Father Martin wrote about centering prayer. Actually reading Father Martin’s remarks turned out to be a special grace for me.
Father Martin
Two Views on Fr. Martin
Dear Editor: I am replying to Pat Giangrande’s letter (Oct. 7) in which was mentioned that Father James Martin, S.J. said numerous heretical “things” in his book, “Building Bridges.”
Father Martin’s Welcome
Dear Editor: I am responding to a recent letter about Jesuit priest Father James Martin. I recently attended a lecture given by Father Martin in a Catholic church. Following the talk, I met him at a book signing and was able, as a heterosexual human being, to spend a few minutes discussing church matters with him.
Censoring Father Martin
Dear Editor: This is in reference to the article (Sept. 23) concerning Father James Martin, and how they cancelled his invitation to speak at the Theological College following the publication of his new book “’Building a Bridge.”