For a third straight year, Bishop Robert Brennan led a holy procession of palm-waving faithful through the streets of Brooklyn on Sunday, March 24, just as the early Christians did during the fourth century in Rome.
Father Henry Torres
A ‘Profound Encounter With Christ’ Led Her to Life as a Religious Sister
Brooklyn-born Sister Mercedes Torres grew up in Catholicism, but she still had a conversion to the faith. Not in the same way people leave a denomination to become Roman Catholic. Her conversion was one of “the heart,” and it was made specifically to Jesus Christ.
Brooklyn Teens Find 12,000 ‘New Friends’ at Catholic Youth Rally
Five young people from Brooklyn gained 12,000 new friends Nov. 16-18 in Indianapolis for a crash course on how to embrace their identities in the “mystical body” also known as the Catholic Church.
St. Lucy-St. Patrick Shuttered Due to Changing Demographics, Costly Repairs
The familiar red-brick church, at the intersection of Willoughby Avenue and Kent Street, has had three name changes in its nearly 180-year history. In 1974, it received its last: St. Lucy-St. Patrick.
‘God is Real,’ Kids Are Told at Brooklyn Catholic Youth Day Rally
The annual Brooklyn Catholic Youth Day took place on May 30, despite the coronavirus pandemic. The event was moved online and was presented on You Tube.