Using the Word Gratitude In My Centering Prayer

During the pandemic I have read what seems like a countless number of books. I am not even going to try to count them. Besides reading books that I had not previously read, I found myself returning to books that I had previously read and correctly thought deserved a second reading. 

The Importance of Theology In a Growing Secular World

When I read in the April issue of Commonweal Peter Steinfels’ excellent review of Sarah Shortall’s Soldiers of God in a Secular World: Catholic Theology and Twentieth Century French Politics (Harvard University Press, $49.95, 352 pp.), I knew I had to read the book. Even reading Steinfels’ review took me on a short trip down nostalgia lane. 

A Philosophical Encounter With a Young Polish Priest

Last spring I was asked to allow a priest from Poland, who would be visiting New York in the fall, to study philosophy with me. Though I was not sure why the priest wanted to study with me, almost immediately upon hearing of the request my ego took over and my imagination went to work. 

Is it the Holy Spirit or Just a Coincidence?

It seems as though the Holy Spirit moves in strange ways. Or at least the Spirit moves in ways that I don’t completely understand. Often, I find it surprising that events that seem unrelated somehow lead to one another. 

An Amazing Book by the Amazing Father Boyle

Before the pandemic, every Good Friday some friends and I would view some religious film. The viewing took place in the early evening after many of us had attended the Good Friday liturgy.

A Blessing for Focusing On the Mystery of God

Teaching philosophy for most of my adult life has been a bless- ing and a grace in many ways that I never anticipated when I began teaching. There are several reasons why I consider my role as a teach- er of philosophy a blessing.