Re-reading Michael Himes’ excellent book “Doing the Truth in Love: Conversations about God, Relationships and Service” (New York: Paulist Press, 1995, 152 pp., $12.95) has been an exceptionally interesting experience for me. Because my vocation as a priest has led me to be a professor of philosophy at St. John’s University, I do a great deal of reading.
Faith & Thought
Loving Unselfishly Proves The Existence of God
Re-reading Michael Himes’ “Doing the Truth in Love: Conversations About God, Relationships and Service” (New York: Paulist Press, 1995, 152 pp.) has been a very thought-provoking experience, perhaps even more provocative than my first reading of the book. I think Michael received the award for best teacher at the University of Notre Dame in two successive years.
Michael Himes Changed My Views on Sacraments & God
Michael Himes was one of my favorite contemporary Catholic theologians. I met Michael when he was 14 years of age and had just graduated from grammar school. I had been a priest for about a month at that time.
Every Single Person Is Born With a Radical Need of God
I confess that I have felt a little insecure writing this series of columns based on the thoughts of psychiatrist Viktor Frankl. Because I am neither a psychologist nor a psychiatrist, I was concerned about whether I was interpreting Frankl’s thoughts accurately, but I considered his insights so excellent that I wanted to take a chance and share them with others.
The Existential Vacuum Is The Neurosis of the Present
Rereading Viktor Frankl’s book, “Man’s Search for Meaning” (Simon and Schuster, A Clarion Book, 145 pp.) has been a very enlightening experience for me. I was recently stunned by his description of a societal problem that he wrote about more than 60 years ago.
Searching for the Meaning of Life, the Meaning of God
Re-reading Viktor Frankl’s “Man’s Search for Meaning” (Simon and Schuster, A Clarion Book, 1959, 145 pp.) has been a really interesting experience for me. The book is challenging me to reflect on how important I believe meaning to be in my life and in the life of others. I have come up with an imaginary example that I think may help to illustrate the crucial role that meaning should play in everyone’s life.
Meaning and Mystery In The Philosophical View
In writing last week’s column based on Viktor Frankl’s wonderful book “Man’s Search for Meaning” (Simon and Schuster, A Clarion Book, pp. 145), I felt a little insecure writing about psychology. Not being a psychologist, I was nervous about whether I was accurate in how I explained Frankl’s logotherapy or meaning therapy.
What Do Psychology And Religion Have in Common?
am not a psychologist or a psychiatrist. I have never been in therapy. I do have a friend who is a psychologist and he often answers questions about psychology that I have. What I do have is a strong interest in psychology, especially how it relates to a philosophy and theology of the human person.
A Sleepless Night Could Provide a Moment of Grace
Recently I spent a night in bed turning and tossing and hoping that sleep would arrive. It initially was a terrible experience. Probably many reading this column have had similar experiences. But even a sleepless night can provide a moment of grace. Friends tell me that when they cannot sleep, reciting the rosary helps them to be at peace and to sleep.
Being ‘Available’ Is a Habit Of Welcoming the Other
As I reported in last week’s column, Gabriel Marcel (1889-1973) is my favorite philosopher.