Communion with All Creation

(Third in a series) WRITING THIS SERIES of columns on Pope Francis’ encyclical, “Laudato Si’,” has provided for me something similar to a course on Christian spirituality. The Holy Father’s vision is simultaneously challenging and inspiring, profound and yet accessible.

The Value of Creatures

(Second in a series) RE-READING POPE Francis’ great encyclical, “Laudato Si’,” in order to write this series of columns is a labor of love. I find the pope’s writing both beautiful and inspiring. When I recommend it to others, I mention that the letter is long, but important. Early on, Pope Francis reveals his appreciation of God’s creation…

A Wonderful Vision of Reality

(First in a series) AS I BEGIN TO write this series of columns on Pope Francis’ encyclical, “Laudato Si’,” I almost don’t know how to begin. The encyclical is so important that I want to say everything I believe about it in one column. This is impossible because the encyclical deserves a book. Due to its length, the encyclical took me several hours to read. Having finished reading it, I wonder if there could have ever been a better way of spending those hours. Though demanding, the encyclical is absolutely beautiful.

Living Laudato Si’ in Queens Village

About 15 members of the youth program, part of the Catholic Youth Ministry Initiative, cleaned up the park Nov. 8 by picking up garbage, raking leaves and moving fallen branches.

Living Laudato Si’ at TMLA

Utilizing a grant from the NYC Department of Parks, TMLA students recently refurbished all of the tree beds along Edgerton Blvd. and Wexford Terrace outside of the school and convent.

Adviser to Pope: We Can’t Ignore Climate Control

People of developed nations share responsibility with the rest of the world to protect the earth from environmental destruction and assist poor communities in escaping poverty, a cardinal who is a chief adviser to the pope said.

Pope Tells UN That People Come First

Dealing with war, development, the economy or environmental concerns, bureaucrats and diplomats always must remember that the lives of real children, women and men are at stake, Pope Francis told the United Nations.

God’s Plan Is Our Mandate

“POPE FRANCIS CALLS us to be a community which builds bridges rather than walls… that is what Jesus teaches us with His words and His actions …” – Father Andy Alexander, S.J., Creighton University. The writing of these Scripture reflections begins weeks before they are read. This one was started the day ABC aired a very moving 20/20 special edition featuring a virtual audience with the Holy Father.

Religion and Environment

Dear Editor: Pope Francis in “Laudato si’” recognizes a climate “catastrophe” and “millions of premature deaths” from carbon burning pollutants, and demands massive decarbonization and conversion to renewables starting “without delay” “in the next few years.”