Christ Is Risen

The Tablet wishes our readers a Blessed Easter. May the Risen Lord bless you and your families.

Carolyn Woo

Rising With Christ in A Broken World

Jesus’ rising only changed people, His Apostles and each of us who professes His resurrection to life that could not be defeated by death, nor chained by fear, hatred and suffering. Jesus did not seek to settle scores with the Romans, Pilate, Herod, the Pharisees, the fickle mob. He just walked and spent time with His friends, accompanying them into life and love with the promise that He is always with them.

George Weigel

Easter Is Not a Question Mark

The grittiness of Lent, and the “intransigent historical claims” without which Easter makes no sense at all, should remind us that Christianity does not rest on myths or “narratives,” but on radically changed human lives whose effect on their times are historical fact.

A Resurrection of Joy and Hope

The resurrection of Christ assures us that death is temporary, a message of comfort and hope. It is a message of comfort in that we know our loved ones who have gone before us have not gone away but have gone toward the kingdom, the life after life we are promised. It is a message of hope because the temporary nature of this life need not cause fear; we do not end but are transformed by God’s love.

Mass with Bishop Sanchez

St. John’s Preparatory School, Astoria, had a Mass celebrated by Auxiliary Bishop Paul Sanchez to continue the joyous celebration of the Easter season. After the Mass, many students involved in the school’s liturgies attended a reception with the bishop in the school’s library.

Christ Is Risen Art Contest 2015

Christ Is Risen Art Contest 2015

Nearly 1,400 students from Brooklyn and Queens entered The Tablet’s annual Christ Is Risen Easter Art Contest. Here are the winners, honorable mentions and their artwork.

Sister Karen Cavanagh

We Are Called to Know God

These are the Easter to Pentecost days, the great 50 days of Mystagogia (unpacking the Mystery). They invite us to journey with our brothers and sisters who were welcomed into our Church just two weeks ago.

Our Youth Honor Holy Week

Youth from through out the diocese celebrate this holiest of times in unique ways.