Ed Wilkinson

Now Is the Time to Prepare for Lent

At Sunday Mass, Father Steve told the congregants that they should not wait until Ash Wednesday to plan how they would observe Lent. Now is the time. Many with good intentions wait until Lent begins and then before you know it, half the season is over and we haven’t even begun preparing for Easter Sunday.

Father James Rodriguez

In His Name, Salvation Awaits

What’s in a name? Shakespeare asked this question in “Romeo and Juliet,” pointing to a reality we often take for granted: Our names convey to the world something of our very selves. Our identities are intimately bound to the name our parents gave us.

Saving Waters of Easter

Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio baptized 27 catechumens during Easter Vigil service at St. Agatha’s Church, Sunset Park.

Baskets Blessed in Borough Park

St. Frances de Chantal parish, Borough Park, offered opportunities for families to bless Easter baskets every hour on the hour from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Holy Saturday.

A Polish Tradition Continues in Greenpoint

Polish people presented colorful baskets with food for a traditional blessing on Holy Saturday, March 26, at St. Stanislaus Kostka parish in Greenpoint.

Pope on Easter: Jesus Heals Our Scars

Easter is a feast of hope, a celebration of God’s mercy and a call to pray for and assist all who suffer, Pope Francis said before giving his solemn blessing “urbi et orbi” (to the city and the world).

Some Palestinians Were Denied Passes to Worship in Jerusalem

Nicola Sansour’s voice had a tinge of sadness as he recounted how his family planned to celebrate Easter in Jerusalem this year. Christian Palestinians need a special Israeli entry permit to enter Jerusalem for the holiday, and his wife received the permit, but he did not.

Good Friday in Downtown Flushing

The observance of Good Friday in the streets of downtown Flushing was an awesome sight to see, and it served as a demonstration of faith in today’s world, which is rife with violence, fear, injustice, poverty and economic instability with the survival of humanity at stake.

Stations in Borough Park

Young adults from the Jornada Movement at St. Catharine of Alexandria Church led a realistic Way of the Cross through the streets of Borough Park on Good Friday. After the two-hour procession, Auxiliary Bishop Octavio Cisneros joined the parish family to preside over the afternoon liturgy.

Christians Are Not a New Target in Pakistan

The terrorist attack that killed more than 70 people in a Lahore park on Easter was not the first time that Christians in the Islamic country have been targeted, and observers say that, as things stand, it will not be the last time.