The Legion of Mary has been winning souls for Jesus, through his Blessed Mother, for 100 years. There are 1,251 “legionaries” and 1,910 auxiliary members in parishes throughout the Diocese of Brooklyn. An estimated 250 of them came to a Mass of Commemoration on Sept. 7 at St. Therese of Lisieux Parish in East Flatbush, Brooklyn.
Diocese of Brooklyn
Schools in Diocese Yet to Receive FEMA Reimbursement
The cost of every container of cleaning wipes, every pump bottle of hand sanitizer, and every technology upgrade continues to add up for schools across the Diocese of Brooklyn.
Diocesan Schools and Students Gear Up On First Day of School
The sound of giddy laughter and the sight of colorful face masks filled schoolyards, hallways, and classrooms as schools across the Diocese of Brooklyn reopened Sept. 8 for the first day of the 2021-22 academic year.
Holy Cross HS Senior Spends Summer Researching Causes of Breast Cancer
Instead of lying on the beach gazing at sunsets, a Holy Cross High School senior spent part of her summer closeted with a folder filled with mammary gland scans, as part of a unique science-based internship.
Bishop Sansaricq Remembered as Quiet, Humble, But Never Ceasing in Ministry
Quiet, humble, but never ceasing in his various ministries, even up to his death, are among the enduring descriptions of retired Auxiliary Bishop Guy Sansaricq. His Mass of Christian Burial was held Thursday, Sept. 2, at Co-Cathedral of St. Joseph, Prospect Heights.
Only In Print: All Roads Lead Back to Bensonhurst and the Feast of Santa Rosalia
Red roses and Italian flags held aloft, as well as a cannon spewing gold-colored confetti, marked the return of a beloved neighborhood tradition that had been sorely missed last summer — the Feast of Santa Rosalia.
Diocesan Catholic Foundation to Help More Students With Scholarships This Year
More students across the Diocese of Brooklyn will be able to afford and attend Catholic schools during this academic year, thanks in part to grants provided by the Catholic Foundation for Brooklyn and Queens (CFBQ).
Twin Brothers Get a Taste of Success Through Lemonade Stand Fundraiser
When twins Connor and Joseph Kelly set out to raise funds to support the Catholic hospital that had done so much for their older sister, they knew just how they wanted to help: with an old-fashioned lemonade stand.
Nigerian Priest Praises Example of Late Pastor in Queens
During the COVID-19 lockdown, Father Louismary Ocha spent a lot of time Father Andrew Struzzieri, pastor of St. Clare Parish in Queens, who was terminally ill with cancer. Father Andy’s example is a pillar of priesthood that Father Ocha now shares with his seminarian students back home in Nigeria.
Brother Priests Remember ‘A True Apostle in Brooklyn’
The Diocese of Brooklyn, including clergy across Brooklyn and Queens, is remembering retired Auxiliary Bishop Guy A. Sansaricq upon his passing as “a man of heart, a man of peace.”