Nearly 500 British priests have signed a statement in support of the papal encyclical that forbade married couples from using contraception.
Groups Settle in Lawsuit Against HHS Contraceptive Mandate
Dozens of Catholic groups that challenged the contraceptive mandate of the Affordable Care Act have reached a settlement with the U.S. Justice Department, they announced late Oct. 16.

The Washington Post and the ‘Church of Me’
After decades of grumbling about the Washington Post’s gross ignorance about matters Catholic, it occurred to me that the problem is that the Post supports a competing religion: the Church of Me.
SCOTUS Sends Two More Health Care Cases Back to Lower Courts
The U.S. Supreme Court has remanded two Catholic entities’ legal challenges to the federal contraceptive mandate back to the lower courts.

Acceptable Uses of Contraceptives
It might come as a surprise to some that the Catholic Church does not always oppose the “use of contraceptives.” The particular context is important.
The Contraceptive Mentality
Dear Editor: While thousands of people attended the March for Life in Washington D.C., there is a very important aspect that is overlooked and needs mention. We cannot eradicate abortion without eliminating the use of contraception. St. John Paul II tells us they are fruits from the same tree and a contributing factor in the culture of death, as well as same-sex marriage.
Two Sees Get Temporary Relief from ACA Mandate
A decision by Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito temporarily halted enforcement of the federal contraceptive mandate against Catholic Charities and other social service agencies in the dioceses of Pittsburgh and Erie.
Court Protects Catholic Family-Run Business From Overreach of ObamaCare Mandate
A U.S. District Court in Denver issued a permanent injunction in favor of a Colorado-based heating and cooling company owned by a Catholic family.
Pope Supports ‘Responsible Parenthood’
ABOARD THE PAPAL FLIGHT FROM MANILA, Philippines (CNS) — Pope Francis stressed that, despite Church doctrine against contraception, Catholics fail to practice “responsible parenthood” when they have too many children. He also denounced the teaching of “gender theory” in schools, likening it to indoctrination of children by the Nazis and fascists. The pope made his […]
Little Sisters Take Appeal of Conscience to Court
DENVER (CNS) – Speaking on the steps of a federal courthouse in Denver Dec. 8, the mother provincial of the Little Sisters of the Poor said the religious order cannot and “should not have to” choose between “our care for the elderly poor and our faith.” Sister Loraine Marie Maguire said that is what the […]