Bishop’s Christmas Luncheon 2016

More than 700 people of good will showed their support for Catholic education and evangelization by attending the annual Bishop’s Christmas Luncheon at Russo’s On the Bay, Howard Beach, Dec. 7.

Christmas Spirit Is Back In Grand Army Plaza

The initiative started three years ago when Father Michael Perry, pastor of Our Lady of Refuge, Flatbush, noticed that the Christmas tree that once adorned Grand Army Plaza was replaced with cones of lights

Bay Ridge Creche Lights Honor Festival Founder

Bay Ridge beamed with Christmas spirit when neighbors and friends gathered at Visitation Monastery and Academy Dec. 4 to light an outdoor manger scene and honor late civic leader Larry Morrish.

Maimonides Hospital Helps Brighten Christmas

Pastors and community leaders from 35 churches gathered at Maimonides Medical Center to receive their annual contribution from the Celebration of Light Program.

Bright Christmas Campaign Is Now Officially Underway

It hardly seems possible that Thanksgiving has arrived and Christmas is just around the corner. Parishes and diocesan groups are making their plans for Christmas celebrations and that, of course, means requests are arriving for help from The Tablet’s Bright Christmas Fund.

Toy Drive Yields Christmas Miracles

Students’ toy drive at Holy Cross H.S. ensured many children had the best task on Christmas Day – unwrapping gifts they otherwise may not have had.

Three Kings Journey Through Williamsburg

Camels, kings and colorfully outfitted kids descended upon Williamsburg Jan. 10 for the annual Gran Parada Tres Reyes Magos Brooklyn (Great Three Kings Parade of Brooklyn).

Vatican Royalty

Pope Francis accepts offertory gifts from children dressed as the Three Kings during Mass marking the feast of Mary, Mother of God, in St. Peter’s Basilica.