A Growing Threat

More and more, the media are waking up to the harsh reality that the Islamic State is a clear danger to all people in the Western world, and to Christians in particular. Following the beheading of the 21 martyrs of the Coptic Church came the news that these terrorists had abducted over 220 Assyrian Christians.

More Christians Abducted as the West Watches

Dozens of Assyrian Christians were abducted by Islamic State forces during a new offensive against a string of villages in northeastern Syria, aid and civil rights organizations reported.

Pope Mourns Copts Beheaded for Their Faith

Pope Francis called for prayers for the Egyptian Christians beheaded by Islamic State militants in Libya and asked that God recognize these men killed for their faith.

Niger Bishop Says Churches Will Rebuild

By Jonathan Luxmoore OXFORD, England (CNS) – An archbishop in Niger said the church would rebuild after rioters destroyed its places of worship during protests over cartoons mocking depictions of Muhammad by the French satirical newsweekly Charlie Hebdo. “We’re still trying to understand the savagery which erupted here – but it’s certain it was well […]

Borough Hall Demo: Mideast Persecution Is An Outrage

Snow flurries and chilly temperatures didn’t stop concerned citizens from assembling in Downtown Brooklyn’s Borough Hall Plaza to raise awareness about the persecution of Christians in the Middle East last week. In observance of International Human Rights Day, nearly 50 people of various faiths and cultural backgrounds held signs, prayed and sang, “Let There Be […]