Religious Repression Unabated in China

In a recent article, a columnist from The New York Times wrote: “China is engaging in internment, monitoring or persecution of Muslims, Christians and Buddhists on a scale almost unparalleled by a major nation in three-quarters of a century.”

Vatican Signs Agreement with China

Finally, the Vatican has done a deal with China, or rather with the ruling Chinese Communist Party that has been conducting an escalating program of repression against religion.

China’s Communist Party Steps Up Control of Religion

China’s ruling Communist Party has further stepped up control over all religions, dissolving its long-standing State Administration for Religious Affairs bureau and handing its functions to the party’s United Front Work Department.

Politics in China Could Delay Canonization of Bishop Ford

A couple of months ago, I thought it was a slam dunk that Bishop Francis X. Ford would soon be beatified and on his way to canonization. But with recent developments in the Church in Communist China, I think the timeline may be longer.