Sunday Mass attendance in person at Catholic churches in the U.S. is back to pre-pandemic levels — although just under one quarter of the nation’s Catholics are in the pews on a regular weekly basis.
Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate
Vocations Wanted: Queens Parish Gets Creative in Search for New Priests and Nuns
God needs more workers to toil in his vineyard, so they’re putting up the “Help Wanted” sign at St. Bartholomew Church.
Student Loan Debt Must Be Paid Before Formation Candidates Can Begin Studies
Aloni Bonilla is learning to be an accomplished fundraiser, but she has no ambition to be a development director earning a six-figure income.
Study: Catholics Pay Attention to Catholic Media, Especially Print
According to a new study, Catholics, not surprisingly, are using websites and social media more than they did almost 20 years ago, and they increased this usage during the pandemic. What might be a surprising find, except to those reading this story in print, is that Catholics still like their print publications.
Survey Finds Number of Deacons at Lowest Level Since 2011
A new survey from the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and Georgetown University shows that the number of permanent deacons in active ministry in the U.S. last year is the lowest since 2011, which “is [a trend] in keeping with the slow decline of the diaconate over the past several years.”
Study Shows Parish Priests Play Big Role in Influencing Vocations
Nearly two-thirds of the men being ordained to the priesthood this year said parish priests were an encouraging influence on their vocation, according to a new study.
Silence, Prayer and A Long Tradition of Faith Nurture Black Catholic Vocations, Says Religious Sister
Black Catholic religious vocations emerge from a long tradition of faith, nurtured by silence and prayer within the life of the church, said a religious sister at an event dedicated to those vocations.
Sharp Decline in Number of Nuns Causes Concern in the Church
If you are of a certain age and went to Catholic school, chances are you were taught by nuns. But nowadays, wimple-adorned sisters are a rare sight, and if current trends continue, they might become a thing of the past.
Analysis: Running the Numbers, Africa Isn’t the Catholic Future — It’s the Present
While news agencies and Catholic social media denizens these days gorge themselves on the Vatican’s mounting “Battle of the Books,” seeing who can craft the most sensational headlines or tweets about several controversial new volumes making the rounds, other outfits are, thankfully, still concerned with things that actually matter.