Students around the world now have a chance to be an explorer-restorer of 519-year-old St. Peter’s Basilica thanks to a new online educational opportunity.
Catholic Youth
Parishioner’s Vision Inspires Youth Rosary Movement
Norma Andrade said she had a dream three years ago about the Blessed Mother that led her to launch a new mission in her life as a Catholic.
Pope Francis Tells Young People: Light of Risen Christ Dispels Darkness of Fear
Young people should not allow the darkness of fear to overwhelm them and instead allow the light of Easter to illuminate their lives and give them courage, Pope Francis said.
Praying Weekly Rosary at Planned Parenthood is ‘Powerful,’ say Students
Every Monday morning at 7:45 during the school year, a long line forms in the school office at Chesterton Academy in Hopkins.
WYD Organizers Release Official Theme Song for Lisbon 2023 Gathering
World Youth Day organizers released the winning theme song for the international gathering in Lisbon, Portugal, in 2023.
Only in Print: Campaign Made the Whole Year Brighter for St. Clare’s Families
Looking back on 2019, St. Clare Catholic Church was able to accomplish a lot, according to Youth Minister Peter Damour. The parish experienced many firsts during its 95th anniversary that helped bring the community together and allowed children, teens, and young adults to have fun and grow in their faith.
Seven-Year-Old Creates ‘Book Club’ to Help Spread Love to Kids
Like many people trapped inside their homes during the pandemic, 7-year-old Bryan Rumfelt was looking for a fun and productive way to stay busy.
Black Catholic Youth Turn to Church To Confront ‘America’s Original Sin’
MANHATTAN — In the weeks following the death of George Floyd, people of all backgrounds have taken to social media, their social circles, and, despite a pandemic, even the streets to grapple with the realities of how today’s culture impacts the black community. The Tablet reached out to black Catholic youths in the Diocese of […]
Young People Will Need to Help Get Churches Ready for Mass, Irish Archbishop Says
Ireland’s top prelate is calling on “the younger members of our parishes” to help manage the transition back to full parish life and celebration of the sacraments as the island eases out of the restrictions imposed due to the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic.
Many Causes to Recent Decline in American Religiosity; But U.S. More Religious Now Than at Founding
While American religiosity may be in rapid decline, a new study reveals that the United States remains more religious than many other countries and is presently more religious than at many other times in its own history.