Padre Kino, Declared Venerable, Known As ‘Patron Saint of Borderlands’

Jesuit Father Pete Neeley said the announcement is an affirmation of the work he does at the Kino Border Initiative, a Jesuit-run program named for Padre Kino whose mission is to promote immigration policies along the U.S.-Mexico border that affirm the dignity of the human person. The initiative has locations in both sides of the border in Nogales, Arizona and Nogales, Sonora.

Only in Print: Sister Thea On Her Way to Sainthood

When Sister Charlene Smith first learned of Sister Thea Bowman’s cause for canonization, she was “pleased” but not “surprised.” She said Sister Thea was “a lot like Jesus” because of her “magnetic” personality.

Coronavirus Draws Prayers to Saints Who Cared for Plague Victims

Saints can get a bad rap because sometimes people assume they lived in deep piety removed from the burdens of everyday life. But a quick look at the saints known for their ministry to the poor and outcast, the sick and dying, particularly during times of plagues, casts these men and women in a different light.

Only in Print: Saints in The Time of Coronavirus

During hard times, we can ask for the intercession of saints to help us to reach God and receive His grace. In moments of danger, His healing power can help people of faith find relief.