The Task of Proclaiming His Message

In recent weeks, all of us have been horrified by the incomprehensible acts of violence perpetrated by terrorists and others who have taken the lives of innocent people, young and old alike. Suicide bombings in Sri Lanka took place on Easter Sunday as Christians gathered together to celebrate the Risen Lord. Six days later, a gunman opened fire on Jewish people in a San Diego synagogue. These acts challenge the faith of all good people.Nevertheless, the hand of God was seen in the actions of some who have responded to the occasion with courage and goodness.

The Catholic Difference: Biden, Bernardin and Today

Given the seriousness with which the post-Watergate Washington Post takes itself, it seems unlikely that its editors strive for hilarity in devising headlines. Whatever their intention, though, they managed to make me laugh out loud at breakfast on May 20, when the headline on the jump from a page-one story about former vice president Biden’s current campaign read: Biden’s team says there’s no need for Democrats to stampede toward the left.


‘Be Reconciled With Your Brother’

As I recently celebrated the second anniversary of my ordination to the priesthood, two things came to mind. In one sense, I felt that my ordination took place only yesterday and in another, it seemed as if I have been a priest my whole life. Hence, the mystery of the priesthood! In a priest’s life, no two days are ever the same.

Pope Prays for Spanish Missionary Murdered in Central African Republic

While greeting French pilgrims attending his weekly general audience in St. Peter’s Square May 22, Pope Francis said he was saddened to hear of the brutal murder of Daughter of Jesus Sister Ines Nieves Sancho, a 77-year-old Spanish missionary who was killed May 20 outside her convent.

Families Rooted in Faith Remain Strong, Study Says

Women who are actively religious alongside husbands of the same faith are more likely to have a positive marital relationship, says a new study published by the Institute for Family Studies.

The Faith of the Irish

Dear Editor: Reflecting on The Great Irish Fair, we remember that terrible period in the past when the Catholic faith was outlawed in Ireland. For 300 years, there was persecution, subjugation and enforced poverty. Irish churches were closed and burnt to the ground. Mass was outlawed and priests were fugitives, hunted down, tortured and killed. The Irish people suffered greatly for their faith.