The Tablet is announcing the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place student grand prizewinners, plus the two school grand prize winners in the May 29 printed edition of The Tablet.
Catholic education
Only In Print: From Long Island to the Island of Dominica
Despite a four-month daily commute of 2,000 miles, between two islands, third-grader Brett Lawrence managed to attend classes every day and remained on track with his schoolwork.
Waiting for the Winners: Results of The Tablet’s COVID Relief Fundraiser Soon Announced
Anticipation is building as DeSales Media Group, the parent company of The Tablet, tallies up all of the subscriptions sold for the newspaper’s COVID Relief Fundraiser, which will soon put cash in the pockets of the students who sold them and their school.
Collaboration on Display During Catholic Education’s Year of Renewal Summit
The 2021 Catholic Education’s Year of Renewal Summit celebrated the Diocese of Brooklyn’s resilience during the pandemic and encouraged further development of vibrant, rigorous religious education in local schools and faith formation programs.
Registration Still Open for 2021 Catholic Education’s Year of Renewal Summit
The 2021 Catholic Education’s Year of Renewal Summit will be open to the public and take place virtually on April 21. The event will celebrate local school students, teachers, staff, and parish communities who have made Catholic education possible throughout the coronavirus pandemic.
Nazareth HS Principal Gets High Honors
The National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA) recognized Providencia Quiles, the president and acting principal of Nazareth Regional High School, for her leadership in keeping the co-ed Catholic high school open, up, and running for the last nine years.
Graduate Program Aims to Reverse Decline Seen in Catholic Art, Literature
The creation of a new master’s of fine arts degree program in creative writing at the University of St. Thomas in Houston marks a breakthrough in a resurgence of Catholic literary arts, said its founders.
New Book Says Former Notre Dame President Was ‘Church’s Public Intellectual’
Decades ago, Father Theodore Hesburgh sought answers to the issues that plagued the nation through an approach that many people preach is needed to solve the issues of today: He listened. He listened to both sides, in particular to those who were affected most.
Xavier High School Appoints First Female Headmaster
Xavier High School will be ushering in its 55th headmaster, Kim Smith, this coming summer. Smith will be the first female headmaster in the all-boys high school’s 174-year history and will join 16 other women serving as principals or headmasters at 60 Jesuit high schools across the country.
The Tablet Kicks Off Its COVID-19 Relief Fundraiser for Catholic Schools
Ready, set, sell! Catholic school students are getting an extra credit assignment that will put money into their pockets for tuition and raise cash for their schools. It’s part of a new program called “The Tablet’s COVID Relief Fundraiser.”