March 11 is the entry deadline for a religious liberty essay contest for high school juniors and seniors co-sponsored by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee for Religious Liberty, the USCCB Secretariat of Catholic Education and Our Sunday Visitor Institute.
Catholic education
Many Share the Sacrifice for Catholic Education
As families ponder important decisions for their children’s education, it is not uncommon to ask, “Is Catholic education worth it?”
Support Grows For Tax-Credit Scholarships for Chicago Catholic Students
Donations for tax-credit scholarships to the Archdiocese of Chicago’s Catholic schools are up about 20% this year compared with the same time last year, archdiocesan officials reported.
St. Athanasius Academy Grad Returns to Renew Parish Ties
Ignacyo Matynia, an actor on screens large and small, changed his first name — not an unusual thing for performers — but his motive for doing so was different than most.
Catholic Students Help Afghan Refugees With Asylum Process
Last month, as Rozita Gerhardt helped Afghan refugees complete their asylum applications, she thought of her mother, who years ago fled Iran, and how this was just the first step of what will be a lifelong process.
Astronaut Talks With Catholic School Students While Orbiting Earth
Crisscrossing above the Seattle region at approximately 17,000 mph aboard the International Space Station, NASA astronaut Mark Vande Hei took live questions from students at Seattle Nativity School.
‘Spirit of Christmas’ Concert Brings Holiday Joy to New Emmaus Center
It was a night of songs, laughter, and warm wishes as Futures in Education presented the “Spirit of Christmas Concert” at the new Emmaus Center on Monday.
Bishop’s Christmas Luncheon Raises Over $300,000 For Catholic School Scholarships
Thousands of Catholic school students will receive scholarships thanks to donors who attended the 2021 Bishop’s Christmas Luncheon, one of the biggest events of the holiday season in the Diocese of Brooklyn.
Back to School 2021
The Tablet offers this special supplement to help families gear up for the new school year.
The Tablet About to Announce Winners of its COVID Relief Fundraiser for Catholic Schools
The Tablet is announcing the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place student grand prizewinners, plus the two school grand prize winners in the May 29 printed edition of The Tablet.