While most people are not old enough at their baptism to recall the special moment, Elsie Lora is fortunate enough to remember hers as one of the happiest days of her life.

While most people are not old enough at their baptism to recall the special moment, Elsie Lora is fortunate enough to remember hers as one of the happiest days of her life.
The Tablet offers this special supplement to help families gear up for the new school year. It is created in collaboration with local Catholic academies, schools and the Office of the Superintendent – Catholic School Support Services, as well as community partners.
Futures in Education’s Annual Scholarship Fund Dinner on Tuesday, April 30, raised more than $1.5 million through benefactors moved by the story of how the program helps a widow and her family.
CORONA — Though students didn’t begin filing into her classroom until Sept. 6, Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic Academy’s newest kindergarten teacher started her school year nearly a month ago. For Jessica Jerez, it takes more than lesson prep to be an educator — it requires a dedicated effort to make her classroom a second […]
When the new school year started in the Diocese of Brooklyn on Sept. 6, it also marked a new beginning for more than a dozen principals in Brooklyn and Queens.
The Tablet offers this special supplement to help families gear up for the new school year. It is created in collaboration with local Catholic academies, schools and the Office of the Superintendent – Catholic School Support Services, as well as community partner
The enduring quality and value of a Catholic school education will be highlighted once again this year during Catholic Schools Week, across the nation as well as in the Diocese of Brooklyn.
Playing on the moniker “the great resignation” that’s described a dwindling workforce in certain industries, Jim Rigg has dubbed the past two years “the great registration” for Catholic schools, and expanding school choice programs are a big reason why.
A recent federal government report has confirmed the fears of parents and educators that the COVID-19 pandemic had an adverse effect on younger students’ progress in reading and mathematics, though a deeper dive into the data reveals Catholic school students didn’t fall as far behind.
The post-COVID economic malaise could not dampen the spirits of Catholic education supporters who happily raised a record $2.8 million Tuesday, Oct. 19, at the Futures in Education’s Annual Scholarship Dinner.