Public Masses Canceled in Hong Kong as Fears Over Coronavirus Swell

Responding to a government appeal for citizens to stay home in a bid to contain the spread of the coronavirus, the administrator of the Hong Kong diocese has suspended public Masses until the end of the month, including the Ash Wednesday service marking the beginning of the Lenten season.

Police Still Looking for Perp in Church MS-13 Graffiti

Sacred Heart of Jesus Church in Bayside and its parish school were vandalized on Saturday evening, Jan. 11 by someone who spray painted the name of MS-13, an international street gang, by the main entrances of both the school and church, according to the church’s Facebook page.

Black Catholic History Honored At Annual Mass

The Gospel choir-like singing strikes people as out of place in a Catholic church, and liturgical dance is unfamiliar to many. But Wilson said the groups that led the faithful in worship at the Diocese of Brooklyn’s National Black Catholic History Month Mass at St. Therese of Lisieux, Flatbush, on Nov. 17 are indeed Catholic.