Catholic Charities Pandemic Assistance Totals Nearly $400 Million

Scott Milliken has seen a lot of people come through the doors at the Father English Center’s food pantry during his years as CEO of Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Paterson, New Jersey, but not like the numbers since the coronavirus pandemic hit in March.

Pastor Says ‘Every Penny’ of Loan Used to Save Jobs, Cover Maintenance

Across the country, Catholic dioceses, parishes and other church-run entities say the federal emergency “bridge loans” they applied for and received have helped keep much-needed ministries functioning during this coronavirus pandemic and the economic downturn that has resulted.

Nashville, Tenn., Begins Long Recovery From Devastating Tornado

The historic Church of the Assumption in Nashville’s Germantown neighborhood was one of a number of churches and other buildings that suffered significant damage early March 3 when a tornado cut a swath of destruction through the city that stretched for miles.