Auxiliary Bishops Will Be Ordained at Co-Cathedral

Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio, will ordain two new auxiliary bishops for the Church in Brooklyn and Queens, on Monday, July 20, at 2 p.m., at the Co-Cathedral of St. Joseph, Prospect Heights. Pope Francis appointed the Very Reverend James Massa, 54, and the Reverend Canon Witold Mroziewski, 49, as auxiliary bishops in May. Co-consecrating bishops will […]

Push Is On for Education Tax Credits

Push Is On for Education Tax Credits

Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan, Msgr. Kieran E. Harrington and several New York bishops and representatives from the states’ dioceses met with Governor Andrew Cuomo on June 1 to encourage them to pass a bill that would be key for the future of Catholic schools and other religious and independent schools in the state.

Help Save Our Schools

My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, The Education Tax Credit bill is an idea whose time has come. For years, I have been a supporter along with Timothy Cardinal Dolan and the rest of the diocesan bishops across New York. The bill also counts as supporters Governor Andrew Cuomo and a majority of legislators in the State Senate and State Assembly.

Cardinal George Made the Difference

On Sept. 2, 1939, the House of Commons debated the British government’s response to the German invasion of Poland the previous day. The ruling Conservative Party was badly divided between those demanding that Britain fulfill its obligations to Poland and those addicted to the habits of appeasement. “Party loyalty” was being invoked to drown out […]

Education Tax Credits Omitted from Budget

The state budge again does not include the Education Tax Credit, a critically needed piece of legislation for the parents and students of Catholic and other non-public education.

Education Tax Credits Help All Schools

This year, the Governor has included Education Tax Credits in his proposed state budget. And so we have renewed hope. But in politics, it is not enough to propose.

Cardinal Egan lies in state

City Mourns Loss of Cardinal Edward Egan

Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan led the service at St. Patrick’s Cathedral, where eight cardinals and scores of bishops were in attendance, as well as Gov. Andrew Cuomo, Mayor Bill de Blasio and former Mayors Rudy Giuliani, Michael Bloomberg, and David Dinkins.