Cardinal Dolan Says Church Should Admit to Its Flaws

New York Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan suggested to more than 400 priests of the state of Louisiana that humbly and openly sharing the “wounds” and shortcomings of the Church might bring those who are alienated back to the practice of the faith.

Cardinal Dolan Says U.S. Bishops United On Immigration and Will Defend DACA

Just hours after Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced the Trump administration would move to end DACA program which protects qualified immigrants from deportation, Cardinal Timothy Dolan of New York joined forces with a diverse coalition of New York City leaders and activists with a simple message: We will protect you.

Annual Cathedral Club Dinner

At the 117th annual dinner of The Cathedral Club of Brooklyn, Cardinal Timothy Dolan urged club members to be active in public policy debates and to bring their values to shaping modern society.

Attending Inauguration

Dear Editor: I’m writing to say how appalled and disappointed I am that our Cardinal Dolan will be participating in Trump’s Inauguration.

New Leadership Team At House of Formation

Cardinal Timothy Dolan joined Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio Jan. 30 for the installation of the new rector and vice-rector of Cathedral Seminary House of Formation, Douglaston.

Trump Axes Funds for Abortion

President Donald J. Trump issued an executive order Jan. 23 reinstating the “Mexico City Policy,” which bans all foreign nongovernmental organizations receiving U.S. funds from performing or promoting abortion as a method of family planning in other countries.

Pope: Reckless to Prejudge Trump

As President Donald Trump was being sworn in, Pope Francis told an interviewer it would be “reckless” to pass judgment on the new president before he had a chance to do anything.

Det. McDonald Was a Preacher of Forgiveness

Thousands of uniformed members of the New York City Police Dept. lined the streets outside St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Manhattan, Jan. 13, as the City said farewell to hero NYPD Detective Steven McDonald.

Mercifully, the Campaign for President is Almost Finished

For most people, the presidential elections couldn’t come quickly enough. We’ve grown tired all the mean banter, so let’s get on with it. Let’s vote and put this behind us. Most folks made up their minds a long time ago.