Help wipe out bullying and aggression by being better listeners and offering concrete gestures of tolerance and patience, Pope Francis told a group of top YouTubers from around the world.

Youth Know Faith Is a Verb
Youth from SS. Simon and Jude parish, Gravesend, worked on projects to help raise awareness of problems arising from abuse, autism, poverty, hunger, cancer, suicide risk, bullying and racism.
Bullying Can Leave Emotional Scars
Dear Dr. Garner, While I am glad the summer is almost here, I am very worried about the camp that my son attends.Toward the end of last summer, some boys started picking on him. First, it was verbal taunts and then it turned into physical threats and assault.

Cyberbullying: A Reality In the Digital Slum
By Carol Glatz A new kind of ghetto needs the Church’s presence and people’s solidarity: the “digital slum” where cyberbullying and online pornography and abuse run rampant, said speakers at a Vatican news conference. Online harassment and abuse are “a new form of violence” against many young people and children, said Cardinal Peter Turkson, president […]