Nativity Story in Long Island City

Almost 70 children and adults from St. Mary’s Church, Long Island City, are participating in the parish’s annual Christmas pageant.

Diocese Puts Bishop Ford On Road to Sainthood

The public phase in the process to make Brooklyn-born Bishop Francis X. Ford a saint has begun. Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio formally announced the opening of the cause at a Mass Dec. 3.

Immigrants Feel Strength in Numbers at Migration Mass

Regardless of their status under U.S. laws, local immigrants had no question about their status in the Church of Brooklyn and Queens last weekend: They felt welcomed as they came together to share faith in God and unity with each other at the diocesan Migration Day Mass, Nov. 18.

Brooklyn Catholics Care Enough to Help in Houston

Eighteen strangers from the Brooklyn Diocese, ranging from DeSales Media staff to a retired nurse from Woodside, a bride-to-be/freelance construction project manager from Sunnyside, a retired school teacher from Long Island to a student studying English as a second language from Colombia, all gathered at John F. Kennedy Airport on Nov. 12 to embark on a mission trip. It would take them away from their everyday lives in order to help victims from Hurricane Harvey in Houston, Texas.

Bishop’s Uncle Gave Life for His Country

On Veterans Day, we remember the brave men and women who served their country so that others could enjoy their freedom. So let’s take some time to recognize the sacrifice of 2nd Lt. Peter Chappetto, uncle of Auxiliary Bishop Raymond Chappetto.