Ordination to the Priesthood

New lives as Catholic priests in the Diocese of Brooklyn await three men set to be ordained Saturday, June 4 at the Co-Cathedral of St. Joseph.

Invalid Baptisms Possible But Rare

Catholics in the U.S. are learning about a problem most could never anticipate — the idea that a baptism could be invalid. Church leaders in the Diocese of Brooklyn acknowledged that this could happen.

Ordination to the Priesthood: Our Four New Priests

On June 27 at 11 a.m., Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio will have laid his hands on the heads of four men
who will promise celibacy, simplicity, obedience, and prayer in service of God’s people. In so doing
they will be ordained priests for the Diocese of Brooklyn and Queens.

Fifth-Graders Dial Up Tough Questions for Priest

CTN — the educational media service department of DeSales Media Group, which is The Tablet’s parent company — started “Dial-a-priest” during the year of vocations called by Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio two years ago. The idea is to give students in the Diocese of Brooklyn a chance to meet more priests beyond those in their parish and hear a variety of vocation stories.