Farewell to a Beloved Post-9/11 Champion of the FDNY 

Msgr. John Delendick, the FDNY Catholic chaplain who passed away from 9/11-related pancreatic cancer on Nov. 23, was remembered at his funeral Mass on Friday, Dec. 1 as a brother to firefighters and as a good and faithful shepherd. 

Bishop Brennan Holds Mass of Reparation at Annunciation After Music Video Desecration

by The Tablet Staff WILLIAMSBURG — On Saturday, Nov. 4, Bishop Robert Brennan presided over a Mass of Reparation at Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Church, after the desecration of the church during the filming of a music video.  Bishop Brennan aided by Msgr. Joseph Grimaldi, Vicar General for the diocese, restored the sanctity of […]