New Auxiliaries Share Love of the Game

The Diocese of Brooklyn’s two new auxiliary bishops — Bishop Paul Sanchez and Bishop Ray Chappetto — are two passionate men. They are passionate about doing everything in their power to help others and spread the mission of Jesus Christ throughout the diocese. However, the two auxiliaries share another passion: baseball, America’s pastime. From a […]

Media Event

The episcopal ordination of Bishops Chappetto and Sanchez was a media event, shown live on NET TV.  Reporters from local newspapers and some local TV stations also covered the liturgy.  Following the Mass, the new bishops, along with Cardinal Egan and Bishop DiMarzio, met the press in the memorial courtyard alongside the church.

Successors to the Apostles

My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, My first week of July was spent with Bishops-elect Raymond Chappetto and Paul Sanchez on retreat.  It has been my custom to make a retreat with those to be ordained to the episcopacy, a canonical requirement for them prior to their day of ordination.  I preached the […]