Students Pose Questions to Bishop

by Antonina Zielinska The students at Our Lady of Sorrows School, Corona, enthusiastically welcomed their bishop when he came to celebrate Catholic Schools Week with them. The choir greeted him with song, which Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio told them they performed very well. “Their singing is wonderful,” said Anthony Biscione, deputy superintendent of Catholic Schools. “It’s […]

Catholic Schools Raise the Bar

My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, This year, Catholic Schools Week was observed from Sunday, Jan. 27, to Saturday, Feb. 2, with the theme “Catholic Schools Raise the Standards,” a theme which focuses on the new initiative of raising the bar on the national standards and benchmarks for effective Catholic elementary and secondary […]

Canarsie Parish Sets Its Sights on Bright Future

by Marie Elena Giossi Floodwaters have receded and electricity has been restored, but the post-Sandy rebuilding efforts have just begun for residents in Canarsie. Having been designated as a Zone B evacuation area with only a moderate flood risk, Canarsie residents weren’t expecting the seven- and eight-foot high floodwaters that Sandy brought ashore late last […]

Religious Freedom: Conference Speakers See Threats, Say Now Is the Time to Act (with audio)

Religious liberty is facing such grave threats in the United States that Catholics must take immediate and courageous action to defend fundamental values in the public forum and in the privacy of the voting booth, according to speakers at a Sept. 20 forum. Almost 500 people assembled at St. John’s University, Jamaica, heard impassioned calls […]

Bishop’s Dinner for Scouting (with slideshow)

The 2012 Bishop’s Dinner for Scouting, Sept. 20, paid tribute to an auxiliary bishop, a police detective, a police inspector, a politician and local Scout leaders. Held at El Caribe, the dinner is an annual event sponsored by the Catholic Committee on Scouting in the Diocese of Brooklyn. The Bishop’s Good Scout Award recipients were: […]

Set Apart by Our Faith

My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, The “door of faith” (Acts 14:27) is always open for us, ushering us into the life of communion with God and offering entry into His Church. So writes Pope Benedict XVI, in his Apostolic Letter, Porta Fidei, announcing the Year of Faith, which will open on the […]

Be Part of the New Evangelization

My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, On Sept. 16, the Church in the United States celebrates Catechetical Sunday, an annual event which reminds us of the responsibility of the Church to teach and hand on the faith. This year’s theme is “Catechists and Teachers as Agents of the New Evangelization.” As I have […]

Have a Question for Bishop DiMarzio?

Each year during Catholic Schools Week, Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio visits a number of schools in the diocese. At each stop, he likes to play a game with the student body when the students come together in an assembly. He calls it “Stump the Bishop.” Any boy or girl can stand up, speak into the microphone […]

Patron Saint of Parish Priests

My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, As I continue my summer focus on the lives of saints, I write this week about the life of St. John Marie Vianney, the Curé D’Ars, whose feast day is Aug. 6. The story of St. John Vianney is a captivating one.  This man who began his […]