Sister Vincent Louise Tesoriero, C.S.J., 96, a Sister of St. Joseph, Brentwood, L.I., for 73 years, died Sept. 29, in Sacred Heart Convent, Hempstead, L.I.
Bishop Kearney High School
Youth Round-Up Oct. 22
Cathedral Prep-Seminary Emphasizes the Corporal in Works of Mercy; As Pope Asked, Kearney Ladies Bring God to Others; WYD Cabaret Fundraiser
Professional Partnerships
Bishop Kearney H.S., Bensonhurst, home of WBKS, a student-run television station and one of the few high school television stations in the New York City area, has partnered with 21st Century Fox.
Our Youth Welcomes Pope Francis
Diocesan youth welcomed their pope and celebrated his trip to the United States.
Olympic Hopes Alive for Kearney HS Grad
Kerri Gallagher, a graduate of Bishop Kearney H.S., Bensonhurst, who grew up in St. Francis de Sales parish, Belle Harbor, will be hard at work the next few months attempting to qualify for the 2016 Summer Olympics.
The Celtic Cross Award
Accounting professional Martin McManus, a second-generation Irish American, is receiving the Celtic Cross Award at the 2015 Great Irish Fair of New York.
Our Youth Go Back to School
Catholic high schools in Brooklyn and Queens have been filling up with enthusiastic teens eager to start the 2015-2016 academic year.
Kearney Summer Interns Care for Books
The bookstore at Bishop Kearney H.S., Bensonhurst, saw a revamp through the hard work of Kearney interns Amanda Potter, Anotonia D’Amato and Bridget Pynn.
Kearney Does Police Work
Bishop Kearney H.S., Bensonhurst, was well represented at One Police Plaza in June during the Police Athletic League’s annual “Police Commissioner for a Day” Awards Ceremony.
SFP Searches for Heroes; Kearney Goes Apollo
SFP Searches for Heroes;Home Is Brooklyn; Campus Is NYC