Bishop Francis X. Ford – Quintessential Missionary

While an observance of the 100th anniversary of the ordination to the priesthood of the late Bishop Francis X. Ford, M.M., was being celebrated, his colleagues at Maryknoll were excited about the prospects of his being canonized a saint.

Diocese Puts Bishop Ford On Road to Sainthood

The public phase in the process to make Brooklyn-born Bishop Francis X. Ford a saint has begun. Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio formally announced the opening of the cause at a Mass Dec. 3.

Memories of Bishop Ford

Dear Editor: Thank you for your column on Bishop Francis X. Ford, M.M., (June 6). For some reason as I read the piece I thought “not only does a tree grow in Brooklyn, but a saint, too.” I am sure that there are many, myself included, who know well who F.X. Ford was, as there […]

Cause for Bishop Ford’s Sainthood Moves Slowly

Someday, the late Bishop Francis X. Ford will be declared a saint, but no one thinks it will happen soon. “It’s a moving, alive process,” says Father Raymond Finch, M.M., the Brooklyn-born Superior General of Maryknoll. “Now, can I tell you exactly where and how long it’s gonna be? Can’t. Different things happen at different moments, some steps are taken and some steps take a little longer.”