Catholic Leaders: Biden Budget Aims to Help Vulnerable But Excludes Unborn

President Joe Biden unveiled his proposed budget of $6 trillion for fiscal year 2022 that would include spending to improve and modernize the nation’s infrastructure, provide free pre-K and community college, and increase domestic programs aimed at boosting public health and helping the poor. His plan does not include the Hyde Amendment.

Catholic Youth and Hispanic Vote Not Monolithic, Panelists Say

It was clear through the 2020 election cycle that the Catholic vote wasn’t a monolith, what was surprising for some was that was also true for young and Latino Catholic voters that some pundits assumed would overwhelmingly support Joe Biden in the 2020 presidential election.

The Catholic Difference: Biden, Bernardin and Today

Given the seriousness with which the post-Watergate Washington Post takes itself, it seems unlikely that its editors strive for hilarity in devising headlines. Whatever their intention, though, they managed to make me laugh out loud at breakfast on May 20, when the headline on the jump from a page-one story about former vice president Biden’s current campaign read: Biden’s team says there’s no need for Democrats to stampede toward the left.