Assumption of Mary

On the Feast of the Assumption, the Holy Mother Church is pulling aside the curtain and showing us the reward that awaits us at the end of our lives, if we are faithful. The Church is saying to us, “You know all those promises that Jesus made in the Gospel about eternal life. Well! They’re going to come true, and as proof behold your Mother Mary because in her they have already come true.” 

Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio - Put Out Into the Deep

Assumption Means Renewal

My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord,

There is a wonderful story of a little girl who is lost in a shopping mall. She was crying and no one could comfort her. Finally, a policeman came upon her and asked, “Little girl, have you lost your mother?”

Holy Day – Obligation or Not

Dear Editor: I find it very irritating when I come across what used to always be a holy day of obligation (the Assumption of our Blessed Mother) reduced to an ordinary day simply because it falls on a Saturday. God forbid one should have to go to Mass two days in a row. This causes much confusion to the faithful because it is inconsistent.