Yes, Tuesday, Aug. 15, the solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into heaven (and the patronal feast of the Diocese of Trenton), is a holy day of obligation. Catholics are obliged to attend Mass either on the vigil (the evening before) or on the day itself.
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Eucharistic Processions Launch Year of the Parish Revival
Several hundred people from eight parishes on the west side of Brooklyn poured onto Court Street June 11 to proclaim the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist.
Mary’s Assumption Models Our Own Eternal Destiny
Although this may sound contrived, every word of this is true. While attending the Memorial Day ordination weekend in May 2018 of a former classmate, Father Ed Shikina, in the diocese of Columbus, Ohio, a number of us priests, seminarians, and others had decided to go for a Rosary walk by a stream in one of Columbus’ public parks.