Where Does the Country Go From Here?

What was witnessed on January 6, 2021, was truly horrifying. This country has seen riots before — just look back to last May, June, and July. But we as a nation have never seen anything like the events that took place on a day when most Catholics throughout the world celebrate the Epiphany’s light.

The Challenges Catholics Will Face

We still don’t know exactly how Catholics voted in this election, but based on previous election cycles we can assume each candidate probably received more than 40 percent of the Catholic vote.

Pray for Peace in Our Nation

Pray for peace in our nation. This country is so much greater than a single presidential election. Pray that everyone can be women and men of peace and healing — of reconciliation — and that we can remember that we are called to be good citizens of this realm with our hearts and minds set on the world to come.

We Cannot Live Without the Eucharist

Let’s face it — everyone’s lives have changed since the start of the worldwide spread of the Coronavirus. Education, health-care, entertainment, and family life all have been affected, and not in ways that are positive, by and large. This is also true for the common worship of the Lord.

School Openings a Step Toward Normalcy

While school children might be happy about the recent announcement that the New York City public school system will not be opening for in-person classes for several weeks, parents certainly are not pleased with this latest development in the ongoing struggle to re-open our city schools safely for each and every one of our students, faculty, staff, and administrators.

Say the Black, Do the Red

Words matter in the celebration of the Sacraments, and every word that the Church gives us in the rituals matters. Sacraments are made up of both matter and form.