A Time For Change and Reflection in the Diocese

Eighteen years ago, the Most Rev. Nicholas DiMarzio was appointed by His Holiness, Pope Saint John Paul II, as the bishop of Brooklyn. In those 18  years, the world, the city, and the Church have changed much, but the Diocese of Brooklyn has had a steady hand guiding it.

Treating All With Respect And Human Dignity

The 20th Century spiritual writer, Thomas Merton, was reflecting once on an experience that he had shortly after entering the monastery. Father Louis (as Thomas Merton was called in religious life) describes a particularly powerful experience he had one day while shopping for the abbey:

Papal Trips Make History And Make Crucial Points

This past week, Pope Francis participated in another apostolic journey, this time to Hungary and Slovakia. These apostolic journeys of the pontiff are a relatively recent phenomenon in the history of the Church and have proven to be a powerful means of transmitting the closeness of the Holy See to the Church worldwide, as well as an effective means of spreading the Gospel.

As a Culture Loses Heart, Pro-Life Unity Can Still Heal

The Biden administration’s Department of Justice has sued Texas to shut down a pro-life law, the Texas Heartbeat Act, which prohibits women from receiving an abortion after the baby’s heartbeat is detected.

The Last Time the World Changed Forever

The world as we know it has changed forever. We’ve heard that statement repeatedly since COVID-19 took root and spread around the world.

In The Worst of Times, The Church is There

Wherever news is made that signals the need to alleviate human suffering — Afghanistan, Haiti, the latest efforts to rein in COVID-19, the rapid responses to aid victims of Hurricane Ida, and more — there is an accompanying story: The Catholic Church is there with a compassionate, effective infrastructure of service.

For Many, the Horror of Afghanistan is Not Over

What we have witnessed in Afghanistan over the past few weeks is a nightmare. Yes, the United States has been in Afghanistan for far too long, and the lives of countless young American men and women have been lost in the defense of a nation so far from our shores.

Pope’s Surgery a Reminder to Thank God for Gift of Health

There are a few lessons that one can take from the event of the Holy Father’s hospitalization — illness can come to anyone, everyone needs to take care of their personal health, and we need to keep each other in prayer.