More than 14 ethnic clubs from our Fresh Meadows school came together to share their typical foods and dances with family, friends, guests and the rest of the St. Francis Prep community.

More than 14 ethnic clubs from our Fresh Meadows school came together to share their typical foods and dances with family, friends, guests and the rest of the St. Francis Prep community.
On Sept. 8, the day in which we celebrate as a Church our Blessed Mother Mary’s birthday, there was a kickoff youth retreat with about 50 people involved at St. Joseph Patron’s church, Bushwick.
The students of the Italian Honors Society at Msgr. McClancy M.H.S., East Elmhurst, visited Mother Cabrini’s shrine and the Cloisters Museum. It was a great experience for all of us.
This year, St. Agnes is celebrating 110 vibrant years of Catholic education and academic excellence. In honor of this occasion, St. Agnes students had a grand celebration in which they were able to reflect on their school’s growth through prayer and fun!
Spearheaded by longtime dance program director Ms. Debra Befumo, this project provides Easter baskets to the children and teens residing at the Metro Family Shelter and the Boulevard Family Residence on Queens Boulevard.
The feast day of St. Joseph has always been a special celebration here at Msgr. McClancy Memorial H.S., East Elmhurst.
The seniors of Archbishop Molloy H.S., Briarwood, tied their sneakers one last time Oct. 27 for their annual student fundraiser, the Walkathon, but some embarked on a special tradition: an 11-mile walk to the World Trade Center. Together, the seniors didn’t just raise money for their school, but they made lasting memories in their final year of high school.
I attended my first Jornadista Mass at Epiphany Church in Williamsburg. Although I am not a Jornadista, I attended to observe what it’s like to be a part of the Jornada Movement through one of their special events this year – a Halloween Costume Drive for families living in shelters.
I can confidently say that going on retreat has been one of the best decisions I have made in my high school career at St. Edmund Prep and in my life.
Sept. 27 was a big day for St. Agnes Academic H.S. in College Point. On this day, the Maureen Martin Fritch ’78 Health Science Lab was formally opened.