Yes, as we go through life waiting for history’s final moment, we have a responsibility to welcome one another, to take care of each other, especially those who are most vulnerable. They are the face of Jesus Christ among us.

Yes, as we go through life waiting for history’s final moment, we have a responsibility to welcome one another, to take care of each other, especially those who are most vulnerable. They are the face of Jesus Christ among us.
The ‘Keep Christ in Christmas’ slogan reminds us that sometimes the commercial side of the season could leave Jesus ‘no room at the inn’ of our lives. Caring for others during this joyful season could be a very good way to ‘Keep Christ in Christmas.’
Christians can turn Christmas into a “pagan” or “mundane” holiday by focusing on the gifts and the tree rather than on the birth of Jesus and his promise to come again, Pope Francis said.
Advent is a time of grace, called “Kairos,” a Greek word which means a graced time. As we have begun Advent, we recognize that it is our preparation time for the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ.
People can seem a little self-obsessed nowadays, with our endless selfies and social media posts. But during the season of Advent, the Church asks us to look at ourselves in a way that isn’t about vanity, in a way that’s truthful, honest and can change us for the better.
Growing up in St. Louis, Susanna Spencer loved her family’s Advent tradition of adorning a Jesse Tree with Old Testament symbols leading to Christ’s birth.
Advent is a time to be watchful and alert to the ways one strays from God’s path.
The donkey brayed and kicked as St. Francis of Assisi announced the birth of Jesus outside of St. Adalbert Church on Dec. 2.
That’s why we have Advent. It aids us in the process of spiritual de-cluttering by giving us time. Waiting for Christmas is precious and is necessary, no matter how rushed the media wants us to feel about our holiday
Sister Ave Clark, O.P., will lead an Advent Evening of Prayer, Dec. 4, 7:30 p.m. at Holy Family Church in Flushing. Call 718-428-2471.