It’s Feeling Like Christmas in Bayside Children at Sacred Heart of Jesus parish, Bayside, opened the Advent season by having breakfast with Santa, making Christmas wreaths, above, enjoying a train display and some sweet treats on Saturday, Dec. 1. Parents had the chance to do crafts with their children and take raffle tickets for baskets […]
Crossing All Borders
For all the hype about the Mayan calendar doomsday prognostications, Christians will recall that, despite numerous attempts to engage Him in such speculations, Jesus was never tricked into predicting the day or the hour. In fact, he denied the “Son of Man” even had knowledge of it. Why assume the Mayans – or anyone […]
Proclaim the Faith at Any Cost
by Msgr. Joseph Calise Anyone who has ever seen Director Sidney Lumet’s movie version of the play, Twelve Angry Men by Reginald Rose, probably shares my admiration for how skillfully he directed the turning moment when Lee J. Cobb threatens to kill Henry Fonda. They were fellow jurors on a murder case which Cobb presumed […]
Charity Is Needed Right Here at Home
My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, This past week, the pastors of the parishes most affected by Hurricane Sandy came together. FEMA and other government agencies, as well as diocesan offices, devoted much of the afternoon to a detailed briefing. Yet, it seemed to me that the most important aspect of coming together […]
Tablet TALK
‘Tis the Season to Twirl Get into the Christmas spirit! See the Our Lady of Perpetual Help Twirlers, at left, perform to the song, Rocking Around the Christmas Tree, at the Christmas tree lighting in front of O.L.P.H. Basilica, Sunset Park, this Thursday, Nov. 29 at 5 p.m. (Photo courtesy Cecilia Fedyn) […]
We Prepare for What Is Known
by Msgr. Joseph Calise If you were to ask most people in my age group who they considered to be the greatest mystery writer of all time, no doubt most of us would answer, “Alfred Hitchcock.” We would be able to support our answer with such movies as Psycho, North by Northwest, The Birds, or […]
Reclaim Advent!
Each Advent, exhortations come from Christian pulpits to “slow down.” Just when every other force and fury around us is screaming, “hurry up!” the Church is out there being its counter-cultural self, ever the “sign of contradiction” in the world. And with good reason. Our message is one of liberation, freedom from what ties us […]
New Basilica Is a Blessing to Diocese
My dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, As we begin Advent and start to celebrate in earnest the Year of Faith, we recognize two of the special intentions that are of particular importance during this year: prayers for the New Evangelization and prayers for vocations, especially for those to the priesthood and religious life. […]
‘Catholic’ Makes a Difference
A few years ago, “Come Home for Christmas” campaigns became popular in some dioceses. The initiative was well-intentioned, meant to be welcoming. Its message was simple enough: No matter where you’ve been in relationship with the Church, we want you back for Mass on Christmas Day and, while you’re at it, make a good Advent […]
Be Quiet! Listen!
Noise – it has been suggested – is the home country of today’s generation. Noise is where we live, whether we know it, admit it, like it – or not. Evidence of this is the discomfort that so many experience with the presence of silence. We say “presence” because silence is more than just the […]