Irish Gov’t Sets Vote That Could Legalize Abortion

The Irish government announced it will hold a referendum in late May asking citizens whether they want to retain or delete the constitutional article that provides for the equal right to life of the mother and her unborn child “with due regard to the equal right to life of the mother.”

Modern Twist to Nativity in Borough Park

This week’s Tablet TALK offers opportunities to get a fresh start in this new year and highlights those who have made significant achievements.

Pro-Choice Is Pro-Abortion

Dear Editor: Letter writer Tom Morano (Oct. 7) has some good points as to why he supports certain persons for public office. These are issues that should have universal concern. But what he misses in his opinion is that abortion is the killing of a human baby.

How to Vote Pro-Life

Dear Editor: I found the opinion of Robert Tillman (Sept. 16) regarding Catholics who support politicians who are pro choice (or as he incorrectly labels “abortionists”) to be extremely simplistic.

Politics of Abortion

Dear Editor: Many of our fellow Catholics are voicing their opinion about the current turmoil in our country and are expressing different opinions about it. I believe that one of the most important issues is not being addressed sufficiently and that is the facilitation of abortionists by Catholics themselves.

Misjudging the President

Dear Editor: Paul Markowski (June 17) seems to assume a privilege to repeat demagogic characterizations of President Trump simply because these are popularly taken for granted.

Trump Steers Funding Away From PP’s Abortion Clinics

President Donald Trump signed a bill into law that allows states to redirect Title X family planning funding away from clinics performing abortions and to community clinics providing comprehensive health care for women and children.