2015 Year in Review

See the year in photos: Pope Francis makes a historic trip to the United States and Cuba… Terrorism sets off a mass exodus of refugees from the Middle East… Laudato Si’… Two new auxiliary bishops for Brooklyn and Queens… Same-sex ‘marriage’ decision… Signs of the Times

The Battle for Marriage

Year in Review: Supporters of traditional marriage rally in front of the U.S. Supreme Court in Washington June 26, shortly before the justices handed down a 5-4 ruling that states must license same-sex marriages and must recognize same-sex marriages performed in other states.

A Timely Encyclical

Year in Review: Pope Francis placed the Church in the corner of environmentalists with the publication Laudato Si’ on May 24.

Our Two New Bishops

Year in Review: The diocese rejoiced May 19 with the naming of two new auxiliary bishops for Brooklyn and Queens – Bishops Witold Mroziewski and James Massa.

A Year of Terror

Year in Review: Pope Francis has been calling for a compassionate world response to the plight of the refugees but fear of terrorism and economic disruption have led to some resistance.

Francis in the US

Year in Review: Pope Francis spent six days in September in the United States, with stops in Washington D.C., New York and Philadelphia. See more Year in Review photos.

Tablet TALK: The Year in Quotes 2015

As an extension of The Tablet’s annual year-end issue highlighting the outgoing year’s major events, this week’s Tablet TALK features the Year in Quotes 2015.