Graduates of St. Edmund Prep H.S., Sheepshead Bay, are invited to celebrate their alma mater’s 80th anniversary in April. Auxiliary Bishop Frank Caggiano will celebrate an anniversary Mass on April 12 at 11 a.m. in the parish church. Alumni who wish to attend may register by calling Grace Carey in the Development Office at 718-743-6100 ext. 5080. Festivities continue with an anniversary gala and Emmaus Society induction ceremony on April 19, 7 p.m. at Russo’s on the Bay, Howard Beach. The honorees will be: James P. Benson, Mabel H. Chin, Blase J. Davie, James F. McElroy Jr., James Wilkens, Esq., and Msgr. Thomas F. Noonan, posthumously. For tickets, contact Joanne Wright in the Development Office at 718-743-6100 ext. 5083.
All are invited to observe this special Year of Faith with a day of prayer and reflection on Feb. 27 at St. Bartholomew Church, Elmhurst. Reflections on the topic, “The Mystery of Faith,” will be given by Fathers Rick Beuther, pastor, and John Gildea, parochial vicar. Sessions will be given in English and Spanish in Heafey Hall at 9:30 a.m. and 7 p.m. For details, call 718-424-5400.
In honor of Black History Month, take time to learn more about some black Catholic pioneers and saints as well as those who helped form the heritage of black Catholics in Brooklyn and Queens and beyond. Read up on St. Augustine of Hippo, a sinner turned saint; Servant of God, Msgr. Bernard J. Quinn, who established an apostolate for black Catholics in the Diocese of Brooklyn (fatherquinn.org); Mother Mary Lange, foundress of the Oblate Sisters of Providence; Venerable Pierre Tousaint, a layman; and Franciscan Sister Thea Bowman, promoter of intercultural awareness.
Don’t miss out on the Year of Faith Young Adult Bible Study Group at St. John’s Prep Astoria. Father James Rodriguez will lead the sessions on March, 6, 13, 20 and 27, 7:30-9 p.m. Sessions are free, just bring a Bible. To register, e-mail Paul Morisi at pmorisi@diobrook.org by Feb. 25.
This week’s Tip of the Tablet TALK Top Hat goes to Flushing-born Sister Grace Corde Myerjack, M.M., a member of Maryknoll Sisters Contemplative Community, Maryknoll, N.Y., who is celebrating 60 years in religious life. Sister Grace observed her anniversary along with 20 of her fellow Maryknoll Sisters who are marking 60, 70 and even 80 years with the congregation during a Feb. 10 Mass at the Maryknoll Sisters Center. She entered the Maryknoll Sisters from St. Kevin’s parish, Flushing, in 1953. She served in apostolic ministry before entering the congregation’s Contemplative Community in 1961. Congratulations Sister Grace! Ad multos annos!

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