Good Shepherd Catholic Academy in Marine Park celebrated the opening of its new STEM lab with a blessing ceremony on the feast of St. Albert, patron saint of scientists. Father Thomas Doyle, Good Shepherd’s pastor, bestowed the blessing on the laboratory, made possible by a $90,000 grant from the diocese’s St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Trust. Since the lab opened this fall, Principal John O’Brien and his teaching staff have seen students’ interest in science skyrocket with the introduction of hands-on activities using state-of-the-art equipment.
“The children are very engaged in the work now,” said Linda Seliste, who teaches fourth- and fifth-grade science. “They are excited for science now in a way they weren’t before.”
Present for the blessing were representatives from the diocesan Office of Catholic Schools, including Brother Ralph Darmento, F.S.C., deputy superintendent, and Roxanne Elder, district superintendent; members of the academy’s board of directors, including Sheila Hanley, board chair; and Father William With, pastor of Resurrection Church, Gerritsen Beach, which is also aligned with the academy.