The principal of a Bay Ridge Catholic Academy was the recipient of special recognition by her peers.
At the Catholic School Administrators Association of New York State (CSAANYS) annual fall gathering Nov. 8 at the Albany Marriott in Albany, N.Y., Rosemarie McGoldrick, principal of Holy Angels Catholic Academy, received the Lighting the Fire for Catholic Education Award.
Each year, the superintendents of the eight dioceses of New York State are invited to nominate principals who have distinguished themselves as leaders and inspire their school communities.
Anthony Biscione, deputy superintendent of Catholic schools in Brooklyn and Queens, presented the award on behalf of CSAANYS to McGoldrick, citing her 40 years of service as a teacher and principal in the Diocese of Brooklyn. Biscione went on to say that McGoldrick’s personality, her enthusiasm and her spirit of collaboration have been among the many gifts she has brought to the schools she has served.
In her acceptance remarks, McGoldrick thanked Dr. Thomas Chadzutko, diocesan superintendent of schools, for the nomination and accepted the award in the name of all her colleagues in the Diocese of Brooklyn.
She used a metaphor to remind the audience, comprised of Catholic school administrators from across the state, that “a fire is lit one twig at a time” and “one by one, day by day, we light the fire. We don’t always see the light of the fire burning, but if we didn’t do what we do and the fire went out, what a dark world it would be.”
In attendance from the Diocese of Brooklyn were Michael McGoldrick, husband of the honoree; Michael Long, chairperson of Holy Angels Catholic Academy’s board of directors and his wife Eileen; Msgr. Kevin B. Noone, pastor of Our Lady of Angels parish and a member of the board.
Also present were Jack D’Emic, a member of the board and his wife, Andrea, principal of St. Patrick Catholic Academy. Other principals joining in the celebration were Linda Dougherty, principal of Our Lady of Mercy Catholic Academy, Forest Hills, and CSAANYS Queens representative; Kathy Buscemi, principal of St. Bernard Catholic Academy, Mill Basin, and CSAANYS Brooklyn representative; Michele Krebs, principal of Our Lady of Hope School, Middle Village; Kathy Bollinger, principal of Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic Academy, Corona; and retired principals Jim Flanagan and Louise McNamara.
Representing the Brooklyn Catholic schools superintendent’s office were Biscione; and associate superintendents, Anne-Marie Baumis and Elizabeth Frangella; and assistant superintendents, Barbara McArdle and Maria Viesta.