In November of 2014, two parents contacted the principal of St. Rose of Lima, Rockaway Beach, Theresa Andersen, and requested enrollment into the seventh grade for their sons.
The principal explained that she had only one seventh grade class and that she had given her word to the present parents that she would not enroll any more students due to the large group of 32 students in the one grade. Their plight for their children was heart wrenching and she could not “close the door” on these families.
As the principal of an academy, Andersen went to her board and explained the need to come up with a solution for these interested families and their children who wanted desperately to “make St. Rose their home.”
The board gave their approval and after a few weeks of planning and hiring, a second seventh grade opened on Dec. 9, 2014 with 11 children.
Just as in the movie, “Field of Dreams,” “if we build it, they will come,” two more students joined that class.
This is one of the many reasons St. Rose of Lima Catholic Academy should be your choice for your children. St. Rose makes things happen!
It is home to all children who want to feel loved, respected and helped to achieve success no matter what their needs. It is a Catholic school first and foremost, and students will know God, love Him and serve Him by serving others. Student/teacher interactions are characterized by engagement, excitement and excellence. The teachers demonstrate their professional competency, and the students are motivated and inspired to learn.
Children are happy and they get along. They are taught that all people are made in the image and likeness of God, and even though not everyone may look the same or speak the same language, all deserve respect for this reason. St. Rose reflects the community that it serves.
The curriculum is based on the Common Core State Standards and has a strong arts program.
For more information, visit us at www.stroseoflimarockaway.org or call (718) 474-7079